Closing of the Eight National Conference of The Persian Gulf


 In The Name of God

Assertion of the Eight National Conference of the Persian Gulf

Persian Gulf is not just a geographical location with numerous economic and tourism advantages; however beyond all these Attractions and susceptibilities is the huge and glorious heritage of a culture grown in the warp and woof of love , gallantry and antiquity with the splendid and majestic name of Iran. Thus honor, greatness and perpetuity of this land depends on guarding and injury for the powerful names og regions and geographical lands such as this vast strong blue land and of course all near and far geographical areas of Iran.

The scientific axis of this conference are geography, Environment of The Persian Gulf, Persian Gulf Economy, Persian Gulf Tourism, Modern Technologies and Tourism of Persian Gulf, culture, Art and Architecture of The Persian Gulf, History and Archeology of the Persian Gulf and Social- Politic Aspects of the Persian Gulf were introduced in this conference as the order of the it to make it an international Conference.

At the end of the conference, Dr. Abbas Namjoo the secretariat of the conference announced the 10 statements of the conference and awards were given to the authors of the 30 selected articles of the conference





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